Vol. 2 No. 2 (2020): Journal of Language Intelligence and Culture
Journal of Language Intelligence and Culture (P-ISSN: 2716-1277; E-ISSN: 2716-1269) is a journal published by Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan UIN Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember. This journal is published twice a year through a double-blind review. The team of journals receives scripts of qualitative or quantitative research results from researchers, lecturers, teachers, and students, which are written based on author guidelines covered in the feature aside from this journal.
University Coverage: IAIN Jember, Indonesia; Chongraksat Wittaya School, Thailand; Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surakarta, Indonesia; STAIN Mandailing Natal, Indonesia; IAIN Kediri, Indonesia
Country Coverage:
American English and British English: Vocabulary and Grammar Differences
Abstract View: 2169 -
The Effect of English News Video on Students’ Speaking Skill
Abstract View: 390 -
Illocutionary Act in Political Debate
Abstract View: 319 -
Tadrīs Mahārah al-Kalām ma’a al-Nāṭiq al-Aṣlī (Mazāyāhu wa Naqāiṣuhu)
Abstract View: 166