Vol. 5 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Language Intelligence and Culture
Journal of Language Intelligence and Culture (P-ISSN: 2716-1277; E-ISSN: 2716-1269) is a journal published by Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan UIN Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember. This journal is published twice a year through a double-blind review. The team of journals receives scripts of qualitative or quantitative research results from researchers, lecturers, teachers, and students, which are written based on author guidelines covered in the feature aside from this journal.
University Coverage: UIN Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember, Indonesia; Universitas Islam Internasional Darullughah Wad Da'wah, Indonesia; Universitas Teuku Umar, Indonesia; Universitas Tulungagung, Indonesia; Universitas Sari Mulia, Indonesia; Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi, Indonesia; Jambi University, Indonesia; State University of Malang, Indonesia; Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia; Universitas Bengkulu, Indonesia
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The Application of Cambridge Curriculum in English as Second Language Teaching Learning at Secondary School
Abstract View: 259 | PDF Download: 49 -
Al Qaṣāidu assyahīratu Li Tarqiyati Mahārat al Istimā’: Dirāsah Tajrībiyyah Qabliyyah bi Ma’hadi Tājil ‘Alawiyyīn
Abstract View: 149 | PDF Download: 65 -
Teaching Grammar in Intermediate English Grammar Class: What is Happening beyond the Classroom?
Abstract View: 174 | PDF Download: 384 -
The Contribution of Language Input, Conducive Learning Environment, and Motivation toward Student’s Speaking Proficiency
Abstract View: 177 | PDF Download: 180 -
The Reporting of Brigadier J Murder on Indonesian Police’s Official News Media: Corpus-Based Discourse Analysis
Abstract View: 140 | PDF Download: 161 -
Analysis of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) in Online Learning by English Teacher
Abstract View: 48 | PDF Download: 54