al-Majāz fī al-Qur’ān al-Karīm (Dirāsatun Wasfīyatun Fī Suwari Ibrāhīm wa Nūh wa al-Zalzalah wa al-Qāri’ah)
المجاز, القرآن الكريم, al-Majaz, al-Qur’an al-KarimAbstract
The Qur’an has many secrets and miracles that no one knows for sure until they understand the science of rhetoric. Therefore, it is not sufficient for a person to rely on the science of grammar, as well as morphological aspect only to know the secrets of the Qur’an itself. This article investigates which verse contains the metaphor in the Surahs of Abraham, Noah, Al-Zalzalah and Al-Qari’ah; what type of metaphor uses from the previous verses in the Surahs of Abraham, Noah, Al-Zalzalah and Al-Qari’a; and what relation does the metaphor have from the previous verses in the Surahs of Abraham, Noah, Al-Zalzala and Al-Qari’ah. The result of this study suggests that The metaphor found in the surahs of Abraham, Noah, al-Zalzalah and al-Qari'ah was varied, either from the linguistic metaphor as a way of the sent metaphor and metaphor or the mental metaphor, and therefore the relationships in the aforementioned surahs were varied as well.
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