Was?il al-Teknolog?a f? Mah?rati al-Istim?’
Transformasi teknologi dalam pembelajaran kemahiran mendengar
Transformation, Technology Learning, Listening skill, وسائل التكنولوجيا, في تعليم, مهارة الاستماعAbstract
Educational technology is a method in facilitating the teaching process. Experimenting with the technology, measuring its efficiency, and developing it help teachers acquire various teaching methods and techniques and help students obtain the appropriate study materials for their different abilities. This research aims to: 1) identify the concept of preparing technological aids, 2) know the teaching of listening skills, 3) know the results of technological means in teaching the listening skill. The researcher used the qualitative developmental approach in an intensive reading method to understand the profound research objectives of preparing technological aids for listening skill activities. The results of this research suggest that: 1) the concept of preparing the means of technology includes: a) identifying students' aptitude, ability, language skills, and their components; 2) the concept of teaching listening includes: a) providing records for the listening process, b) identifying listening functions and factors that affect the listening process c) ensuring the objectives of teaching listening are met. The theoretical conclusion from this research is that teaching the listening skill using technology should cover the sensory experience, meditative notes, providing abstract concepts, attractiveness, and help learners in a good learning activity to learn the listening skill itself.
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